101 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
4. Meet Oprah Winfrey (!)
5. Compose a song
6. Plant a tree
7. Write a book (and send a copy to Oprah)
8. Give RM 5 to a stranger (?)
9. Bungee jump
10. Block someone from Facebook
11. Smash a glass
12. Host an awsome party
13. Meet my Japan celeb crushes (*nosebleed*)
14. Go to a NewS or W-inds concert
15. Hug a Sakura tree
17. Own a car
19. Make a donation to charity, anonymously
20. Get a guy to buy me ice-cream
21. Give flowers to a stranger
22. Play in the rain when i'm 18
23. Climb a mountain
24. My first job
25. Create my very own website
26. Donate blood
27. Make someone's dream come true
28. Play with snow
29. Be a millionaire :D
30. Learn Japanese language
32. Hug a panda
35. Run marathon for charity
36. Go up the tallest building on Earth
37. Graduate (!)
38. Cosplay an anime character
39. Ride a horse
40. Send a message in a bottle
41. Make a hit video for YouTube (?)
42. Cut own hair
43. Burn my diary
46. Start wearing ''tudung''
47. Learn to rollerblade
48. Touch a dolphin
49. Sleep under the stars
51. Camping with besties
52. Do a split (impossible!)
53. Watch sunset
55. Knit a scarf
56. Bake a cake for someone special
57. See snow falling (aww!)
58.Write a letter of complaint for a bad product or customer service :D
60. Save ones life
61. Finish school xD
62. Send a hand-written letter to someone
63. Take photos underwater
64. Spend a whole day shopping (from morning to night, ARR!)
65. Achieve ideal weight
66. Get featured in a magazine
67. Live in another country for at least a year
68. Design my own clothes
69. Want to not own a cellphone for a whole year (?)
71. Own a laptop
72. Get a glow-in-the-dark shirt :D
73. Not eat meat for 3 years
74. Ride a hot air balloon
75. Spent 24 hours without sleeping at all
77. Want to feel closer to God :)
78. Watch a 3D movie
79. Create my very own recipe (and pass it down to my children someday, maybe?)
80. Own or Work in a Maid-Cafe (moe moe~)
81. Cut someone's hair ;)
82. Dye my hair (ehee)
84. Get taller than 160 cm (i wonder when -.-)
85. Make chocolates from scratch
86. Learn a dance routine
87. Not drink carbonated drinks for 5 years.
88. Perform onstage for an audience (sing, dance, whatever)
89. Be 20 :)
90. Ice-skate (Eeeep!)
91. Wear high heels over 4 inches (10cm)
92. Get at least top 3 in class (starts 2011)
93. Sleep on flower bed (ehe..)
94. Further studies overseas
95. Build a tree house
97. Travel to at least 5 other country (Japan,..)
98. Watch a horror movie alone (I dare you!)
100. Fall in love :)
101.Get married
Massuya Piyoge
Inspired by, The Burried Life